Dell’Arte Opera Ensemble Presents:
Violetta and her Sisters

The Rose Nagelberg Theater
At the Baruch Performing Arts Center
55 Lexington Ave.
13-28 August 2016

Composed by Jules Massenet
Libretto by Henri Meilhac and Philippe Gille after the novel Manon Lescaut by the Abbé Prevost
Directed by Victoria Crutchfield
Conducted by Cjros Fecteau
Featuring: Olivia Betzen, Sean Christensen, Stan Lacy, Nick Webb, Andrew Surrena, Nobuki Momma

A black box theater can be arranged in any number of possible ways. Upon entering the Nagelberg Theater for the performance of MANON, the set and orchestra were set up as a parallelogram, with the geometric stage on the left and the orchestra on the right, both extending back at an angle to the right. This created more intimacy between the audience and orchestra, but made an awkward stage for the performers. There were many uncomfortable glances as the singers snuck looks to their left to see the conductor, breaking their connection with the other singers.

The unusual arrangement of the set also made for some clumsy maneuvering for the performers as well. Many times, they seemed to be coming perilously close to the edge.

Awkward staging aside, this was a terrific performance of MANON. The voices were marvelous. Olivia Betzen made a lovely Manon, and Sean Christiansen’s tenor was velvety rich as Des Grieux. Stan Lacy’s Lescaut also stood out in the very fine cast. At three hours and ten minutes, one would expect it to feel long, but the performances were so wonderful, the time flew by.

Dell’Arte Opera Ensemble is to be commended for bringing young opera singers together and sharing their talent with us. It is a great opportunity for developing artists and a great theater-going experience for the audience.

- Jean Tait -