Stage Left Studio


These STORY HOURs by Stage Left let anyone who qualifies entertain an actual paying audience with their memorable moment of happiness, disappointment, success, amazement, or anything in-between.

At the latest performance, five people told their tales. One lady recounted her hair-dye nightmare, which of course occurred just days before the Family Event of the Year. A gentleman recalled the emotionally tragic day (for a young teen) when he realizes that Halloween will never be the same.

The third story-teller read her conjugation of “Stuck-a-tude”, done in a free-verse form, poetic yet perfectly understandable. The fourth speaker recalled how she mastered, or pretended to master, Spanish at her Catholic boarding school. Many years later, that knowledge literally saved her life. The last man told of his wanderings from Texas to Tasmania, where he learned that JFK had been assassinated.

Cheryl King, playwright, director, and actor, created and manages Stage Left Studio. Susan Laubach, actor, playwright, author, has appeared off-off Broadway, in films, and on TV. Together they created the story-hour concept as a way for you to tell your story, if you’re interested. Each storyteller is limited to ten minutes. The story must have a beginning, middle, and end. That’s it. It just has to be a story. You can read it from your notes. No memorization required. And the studio is small enough to be intimate, not intimidating. No make-up or microphone required.

They advise that you write out your story first, so that you can make sure your thoughts are organized and that the story meets the ten-minute time limit. Anyone wishing to participate should contact Cheryl King at to discuss the details.

The whole hour is cozy, and after the show, the audience joins the presenters for a small reception with beverages and snacks.

Currently there is no locked-in schedule for the story hour. The next one will be held on Sunday, September 9, 2014, at 5 p.m. Plenty of time to for you to prepare, if you dare.

Stage Left Studio
214 West 30th Street
6th Floor
New York, NY 10001
May 31, 2014

- Karen D-Onofrio -